Community Agreements

Our Promise

  • Trust: Flynn Creek Farm is built on open and honest communication. We believe in transparency and sharing accurate and timely information. Withholding information or not telling the truth wont be tolerated.

  • Use “I” statements: Express your thoughts and feelings from your own perspective to foster clear and respectful communication.

  • Practice active listening with one microphone at a time: Focus on the speaker without interrupting, ensuring everyone has a chance to be heard.

  • Challenge the idea, not the person: Engage in constructive discussions by addressing the concept or issue rather than criticizing the individual.

  • Presume positive intent: Approach interactions with the assumption that others have good intentions, which helps build trust and understanding.

  • Be present: Fully engage in meetings and activities by minimizing distractions and giving your full attention to the task at hand.

  • Act as a team, not as individuals: Collaborate and support each other to achieve common goals, recognizing that collective effort leads to greater success.

  • Acknowledge the holistic nature of our regenerative farm—we rely on each other: Understand and appreciate that our interconnected roles and actions contribute to the overall health and sustainability of our farm.

  • Recognize the context in which we operate: Be mindful of the environment, culture, and circumstances that influence our work and interactions.

  • Embrace that we are all teachers and students; err on the side of over-explaining and communicating: Share knowledge freely and seek to understand others, ensuring clarity and fostering a learning-rich environment.